Thursday, 5 June 2014

Top 10 Most Insufferable Communities in Gaming

There is no such thing as a good gaming community. People are shit. Just read my Watch Dogs article if you need more proof. I don't know how people decide to act this way or if they act this way in public (some of them go on my bus) but the internet is a wild place. In retaliation I've created a followup to my Watch Dogs article titled the "Top 10 Most Insufferable Communities in Gaming". The selections aren't presented in any specific order as every player has his own experiences, but this is a rather rough take on the worst of the worst.

1 - Call of Duty: I remember the glory days of CoD where the average age was over 20. Everyone was mature, helpful and wanted to have a good game. Heck, I was prime microphone spamming age and I still got along well with the guys on there. Just the simple fact that they didn't immediately judge a nine year old kid based on his voice really speaks volumes about them. Then something happened. Modern Warfare happened. The game quickly became a festering shithole of mic spamming, boosting, fapping, singing, redneckery, and just about everything else terrible a community can have. Mind you, I didn't see how our PC cousins fared but I assume they had a slightly smoother trip because a six year old can't operate a credit card or build a rig.

2 - League of Legends/Dota: Moba's deserve a special mention on my list because of how toxic the fanbase truly is. To be honest I played LoL about a year before it went mainstream and even then I considered it terrible. To their core Moba's are heavily team based games. One poor player can ruin an entire match. You're all probably seeing where I'm taking this, right? Matches can quickly devolve into a circle-jerk of blaming each other for feeding the enemy team. I normally talk to people who aren't normally hostile on Skype. You can tell when they start playing LoL or Dota because they become angry, aggressive, and antisocial. Also, I forgot to mention moba's done like this are inherently terrible gameplay-wise. If you want a great moba with a much better community try out Awesomenauts.

3 - Rust: Rust is an especially interesting game. Despite it's $20 price tag it's attracted a lot of terrible people. There are two types of people in Rust: enemy combatants, and unconfirmed. Rust demonstrates that people turn to violence when in fear. If you wander into the forest alone then you'll be shot out of fear. If you speak a different language, then they'll kill you. Don't get me wrong though, there are plenty of honest and innocent people just like you too. No game has been as extreme or surprising as Rust in my opinion. For every insane axe wielding Brazilian there's at least one greatly generous gent just dying to give you an M4 assault rifle. Despite the amount of trolls and mic spammers Rust is a great game and especially fun to play with friends. Rust stands out among other games on this list as an example of a game that is actually worth playing.

4 - Total War: Holy shit. Some of the most annoying, toxic, stupid pieces of shit come from the Total War fanbase. They love their patron company and will support it even if it means shutting out any sense of logic. The worst thing about them is that they'll admit that TW games are complete ass (Shogun 2 got kind of close to being decent) and still get pissed at you. Sure, there are people like me who have a bone to pick with CA but they are few and far between. TW is completely out of the mainstream meaning there's only a few brave souls that have the courage to expose the sheer stupidity and blindness of them. Let them rot I say, they can't really do any harm other than taking up the front page of Steam for half a year despite no one buying their product (Rome 2). Fuck you Creative Assembly, fuck you.

5 - Skyrim: We're all guilty of being an Elder Scrolls fanboy one time or another. It's just a phase. I first heard about how great Morrowind was back in the day and I almost threw up when I saw the graphics. I'm going out on a limb here and saying that Oblivion was the apex of the series. I enjoyed it thoroughly and put it away when it was done. I didn't spray memes about it all over Steam and pretend it was a gift from the gods. For a largely singleplayer game players have somehow found out how to fuck with everyone else. The mods are crap, the gameplay is simplistic, and the graphics are quite regressive. People will defend this shit like anything else. Most of the Xbox original generation that I was apart of grew out of the mentality that all games were perfect and flaws were there for a reason. As someone who dabbles in game design I personally admit, yeah, we fuck up a LOT.

6 - Halo: Since almost every Xbox comes bundled with a Halo game kiddies will inevitably get their hands on it. This means the community which was fucked up in the first place with 20 year old scumbag frat boys was then burdened with the CoD treatment. Holy hell, does it make an interesting display. You'll see whining, teabagging, mic spamming, and the usual activities except Halo is just a bit more competitive than it's uglier cousin CoD. The game is even patrolled by admins hired by Microsoft that are abusive as hell. As soon as I see one of them I immediately run for the hills and leave the lobby. The recent titles have really gone down the tubes as far as I'm concerned. I'm glad I'm out of the scene.

7 - Team Fortress 2: I knew I was forgetting something.This game just so happens to have an especially vicious cult surrounding it. While others can brag they have followers to use as an attack dog on forums and such, TF2 literally infects everything it touches with it's own distasteful brand of cancer. It's not really surprising that the community is so awful because the entire game is just one big meme. Now, some people have been complaining that it was good before it went free to play. Bullshit. TF2, just with every Valve game has a god awful cult surrounding it that will strike down constructive criticism like an Avro Arrow would shoot down a nuke. In fact I'm pretty sure about 90% of adults who play TF2 still are bronies. That's how sad and broken this community is. At least the Russians didn't get a hold of it!

8 -Minecraft: While I do think the game it's self is fun with friends you really must be careful who you play with. In a mere matter of seconds hours of back breaking labor can turn to rubble. I admit back when I played Minecraft on the old Xbox 360 I was a real terror. I was called the Osama of the server because I made small 1x2 tunnels everywhere and destroyed everything. I would gain people's trust only to destroy or steal from them to get a good laugh. Hell, I'm not even guilty about it! What makes the Minecraft community so bad isn't the greifers, no. It's the five year old Nazi admins that rule every server with an iron fist. Considering the very same people play Halo and CoD just look there for further reference.

9 - Final Fantasy: FF fans are convinced that FF is the greatest thing to ever grace the earth. They think shitty turn based gameplay that would suit a Gameboy in the late 90's still applies today. Sure, RPGmaker is exempt from this because anyone can make their own FF clone. However, I'm not here to complain about the gameplay, I'm here to complain about the people who buy every single fucking FF 'remastered' eddition that rears it's ugly head on Steam. If they liked the damn game so much why don't they use an emulator? Because they're idiots, that's why. While this community isn't really as hostile as the other ones on this list (unless you provoke them) they take up Square Enix's valuable time by suppoting this crap instead of something great like a new Hitman game.

10 - Runescape: While I haven't played Runescape in a loooonng while I only assume things have gotten worse. There are three types of Runscape players. Idiots, scammers, and people who tell you to piss off. This is pretty self explanatory as to why it's such a cesspool.

In conclusion..... Gamers are idiots, plain and simple. Sure, there are a few neat people hanging around here and there but you're mostly going to run into the worst of the worst. Quite frankly I think this paints a very grim picture of hummanity because people really do reveal their true faces online, even if it is anonymous.... OH SHIT I forgot Garry's Mod... Yeah same rules apply as in TF2.

Honorable Mentions: Counter Strike, every GTA game, World of Warcraft, Toribash, Postal 2, Mount & Blade, Garry's Mod, Battlefield 4

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